
BioImage Analysis, BioInformatics and Mathematical Modelling


MiFCOM Workstation (NEW)

Mifcom Ii


The image processing workstation is configured with new generation of fast processors like Intel Core i9 with 10 cores (3.0-3.5 GHz) and an optimal amount of RAM (128 GB DDR4 memory). To gain the best performance from Arivis Vision4D and InViewR (VR), the workstation is equipped with 1 x NVidia GeForce TitanX Pascal graphic cards (12 GB VRAM per card).

Room 001 (Booking calendar)


MiFCOM Workstation (2017)

Img 0094-1


The image processing workstation is configured with new generation of fast processors like Intel Core i7 with 10 cores (3.3 GHz) and an optimal amount of RAM (128 GB DDR4 memory). To gain the best performance from Arivis Vision4D and the deep learning machine, the workstation is equipped with 4 x NVidia GeForce TitanX Pascal graphic cards (12 GB VRAM per card).

Room 001


Dell PowerEdge T630 GPU Server (2017)



The server is configured with 2 x 10 core Intel Xeon processors and 1TB of RAM. The server runs Huygens SVI deconvolution software (hosted by Nikon Imaging Center), ImageJ/Fiji and ilastik. Heidelberg University life scientists can have access to the server and all the software installed from any workstation located at the campus upon previous registration here.



Oculus Rift

Img 0382-3Virtual reality (VR) systems are becoming more and more powerful, because they allow rendering and processing of large 3D and 4D (3D over time) biomedical image data from different perspectives. The oculus rift system can be use to navigate interactively through microscopic data in VR.

Carlo Beretta: Email
Latest Revision: 2018-09-26
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